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Choiza Institute To Convey Accompanied Sulli To The Er

Picture unrelated, taken @ aerodrome concluding August

Article: Sulli at the ER boozer 'lover Choiza was amongst her'

Source: The Fact via Nate

KakaoTalk conversation that outset leaked Sulli at the ER:

Apparently Sulli attempted suicide as well as she was rushed to the Seoul University Hospital
Is this true?

It's true
She had a v cm laceration on her left wrist
She was at my ER acre I was on call
Depth was SubQ


You could run across a fleck of her tendon


1. [+862, -26] Sulli-ya, it's in all probability best that you lot remain off SNS for a while...

2. [+815, -70] Just what charm does Choiza possess got that all these women become crazy to conk over him...

3. [+744, -62] Can't they possess got legal activity against the individual that outset spread it? They're truly stupid, they knew that it'd move problematic as well as yet took a screencap of the conversation to spread ㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+99, -6] Choiza must possess got quite the headache over her. Sure Sulli's immature as well as pretty but she's non matrimony textile for him. He's amend off looking for a to a greater extent than stable, non-celebrity adult woman to marry. What a predicament for him.

5. [+92, -5] Seems similar she slit her wrist because Choiza threatened to interruption upward amongst her. Proves how of import a salubrious mental wellness is.

6. [+90, -10] Sulli's pretty but... she's below average inwards everything else from her mentality to her mental age... Why create I all of a abrupt experience bad for Choiza? He truly seems to move stuck amongst her instantly for all the incorrect reasons. Sometimes existence pretty isn't worth everything... it's of import to move a stable human existence outset as well as foremost.

7. [+78, -4] She's as well as then unstable... imagine if they truly got married as well as she had a kid, who knows what worse affair she could do. Sure a young, pretty human face upward mightiness seem cracking instantly but you lot involve a adult woman amongst a salubrious mind... same goes for the human being too, of course

8. [+68, -5] Crazy to intend that Sulli was in 1 lawsuit at a score to compete amongst Seolhyun as well as Tzuyu but she's dropped as well as then difficult since dating Choiza as well as there's no sign of her recovering

9. [+53, -2] There has to move something going on amongst her family... no agency would whatsoever normal raise merely allow their tike run to a greater extent than or less similar this. She's non normal!!!!

10. [+44, -3] Poor Choiza... it's a hurting inwards the a$$ to move the swain of such a crazy person


Article: [Exclusive] Sulli, confirmed to possess got deep cutting on wrist similar it was slit

Source: Segye Ilbo via Nate

1. [+124, -9] One thing's for sure, she's non normal

2. [+38, -4] Must move heartbreaking for her woman raise as well as father....

3. [+35, -1] Didn't she larn injured because she was boozer as well as messing around... she truly needs mental help, doesn't she? She ever looks as well as then out of it inwards all of her pictures, as well as is inwards erotic poses amongst no bras... there's something unstable close her

4. [+11, -1] You can't tending but blame Choiza when she became similar this afterwards she started dating him

5. [+6, -2] Does she non alive amongst her parents?

6. [+5, -1] Sulli-ya, wake up, Choiza is non the exclusively human being inwards the world. Please larn help.

7. [+5, -0] Sulli-ya delight become to the infirmary as well as larn tending ㅠ

8. [+4, -1] It's scary how people are starting to blame all of this on Choiza. What did Choiza do?? How create you lot know that he's the crusade of all this?


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