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Tony Ahn In Addition To Luna Hee Jun's Woman Bring Upward Weigh Inwards On Marriage Ceremony To Soyul

Article: Tony Ahn, "Shocked over word of Luna Hee Jun in addition to Soyul's wedding... all of the members honor his decision"

Source: Newsen via Nate

1. [+507, -21] Didn't he engagement Hyeri likewise though? That was pretty shocking equally well... although non equally much now;

2. [+352 -10] You gain got Jaeduk... observe pull ㅋㅋ

3. [+230, -9] News of his marriage was less shocking than your dating word amongst Hyeri.. peculiarly amongst that historic current gap

4. [+23, -8] You dating Hyeri amongst that historic current gap was merely equally funny ㅋㅋ

5. [+21, -6] You shouldn't survive talking considering nosotros were pretty shocked amongst you lot dating Hyeri too

6. [+13, -1] Him dating Hyeri was to a greater extent than shocking since Hyeri was a rookie who was similar xx years one-time at the time? or barely 21

7. [+10, -1] You dating Hyeri was to a greater extent than shocking

8. [+3, -0] But at the fourth dimension of his dating scandal amongst Hyeri, she wasn't that pop in addition to hence it wasn't equally media crazy equally it is straightaway amongst the marriage news. They were merely controversial for their historic current gap.


Article: Moon Hee Jun's mother, "Worried to a greater extent than for his fans than my boy over word of marriage amongst Soyul"

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+358, -12] Isn't he at an historic current where matrimony is totally acceptable ㅋㅋㅋ I'm pretty certain most of his ain fans gain got gotten married past times straightaway ㅋㅋ it's fourth dimension for him to larn married likewise in addition to hence don't worry woman bring upwards ㅋㅋ

2. [+92, -6] Mother, most of the HOT fans gain got gotten married past times straightaway ㅋㅋ I'm certain everyone is congratulating your boy getting married ㅎㅎ it's non similar it's EXO or BTS getting married ㅎㅎ it'll survive peaceful, don't worry, in addition to congratulations ♡♡

3. [+9, -5] The best replies take away to become banking concern tally out the Luna Hee Jun gallery community... his fans were non rattling agreement there. They were talking close how he's getting married to roughly nugu in addition to hating on her. It wasn't fifty-fifty merely a few but the overall atmosphere there..

4. [+4, -0] I'm certain his fans desire the best for him too

5. [+4, -8] Wait, he has fans?

6. [+4, -0] It was surprising equally an HOT fan but I merely desire the best for the ii ^^;;;;

7. [+4, -2] Imagine how difficult the antis were to the woman bring upwards that fifty-fifty inward this situation, she's worried for the fans first?


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