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[Instiz] Rotta Shooting For Dalshabet Subin's Novel Pictorial

post response: +4
master post: here

1. Damn, if it wasn't for the lolita concept it would've been pretty

2. The film doesn't order off the lolita vibe together with therefore it's pretty
 >Right it looks but similar a normal pictorial

3. You tin struggle on the cause picture

4. It has a unlike aura than Rotta's commons photos, it's pretty!

5. It doesn't convey Rotta's vibe at all?

6. I don't intend it's lolita

7. Even though it has the color system of Rotta's picture, this is non lolita, the editor was also a unlike person... Rotta shot a lot of non-lolita pictures earlier too

8. It's non alone Rotta, he worked alongside to a greater extent than or less other lensman named Davin!

9. It doesn't order the vibe of whatsoever of Rotta's works

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