[Teens Stories] Accept You Lot Always Been Told That You Lot Looked Similar A Celebrity?
For me, people said that I await similar Dahyun!

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- ㅇㅇ 2016.12.13 18:12
- Kids, non the celebrities that yous desire to await like, simply the celebrities that yous await like....
- 7832
- ㅇㅇ 2016.12.14 00:35
- Does everyone hither intend that all Pann girls are ugly?? Why are yous guys downwards voting every fourth dimension a pretty celebrity is mentioned??
- 516
- ㅇㅇ 2016.12.14 01:48
- There are definitely people making things upward hither simply that doesn't hateful that all people who await similar celebrities are pretty. For example, Shin Bongsun looks similar IU
- 281
- ㅇㅇ 2016.12.14 00:49
- Humanely speaking, don't nation a daughter that she looks similar Yang Hyunsuk. Our dongsaengs volition experience that all their globe is crumbling downwards when they'll encounter themselves inward the mirror
- 250
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