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Have You Lot E'er Cried Because Of A Song?

I have, together with the vocal was Seventeen's Laughter.
I heard that Woozi produced the vocal spell thinking of their fans together with his ain teammates.

Parts of the vocal audio like:
'We're happy together with we're having a actually beautiful fourth dimension together correct now, therefore don't ever intend virtually bye or partings that is possible to plough over off inwards the future'
'Because of yous we're able to smiling together with cry.. How could in that place move anything that I can't do?'
'Whenever together with wherever whe are, fifty-fifty when nosotros can't move together, only similar usual, let's smile'
'I volition move the jump to your smiles'

Woozi used the give-and-take 'flower' together with 'spring' together with whatsoever other beautiful words to symbolize his teammates together with their fans.. I heard that Woozi doesn't unremarkably limited his feelings either through his words or his actions. That's why I tin mail away experience his sincerity inwards this songㅠㅠ


1. [+285][-38] Exo's Promise. It's virtually their apologize for breaking the hope to brand their fans happy because all of the problems they had. They besides limited their dear towards their fans together with inquire them to trust them inwards that song. They ever holler whenever they sing this vocal inwards their concerts. And I can't aid but tear upward whenever I hear this song..

2. [+239][-33] Exo's Promise 

3. [+234][-28] Exo's Promise, or besides known every bit Exo 2014.. If I was Exo's fan, I would holler whenever I hear to this song..ㅜㅜ

4. [+112][-29] I cried when I origin listened to BTS' Two! Three! (Hoping For More Good Days). I went to their fanmeeting together with listened to them singing this vocal alive together with I cried during the entire song, it reminded me of when I defended them from every abhor comments.. And they besides showed their handwritings of this lyrics on the covert behind them together with I couldn't aid but cried, peculiarly when I looked at nowadays into their faces, I cried fifty-fifty more..

5. [+93][-19] BTS' Two! Three! (Hoping For More Good Days) together with Agust D's The Last.

6. [+75][-15] BTS' Two! Three! (Hoping For More Good Days)

7. [+66][-18] BTS' Two! Three! (Hoping For More Good Days), together with Tomorrow. Two! Three! is a fan song, it's virtually everything they lead keep gone through since their debut. And everytime I hear to Tomorrow, I experience similar they're trying to comfort me peculiarly when I'm having a difficult time, I experience actually thankful for that together with that's why I cried.

8. [+53][-10] Exo's First Snow, Promise, together with Peter Pan. Promise is a.. fan song, I guess..? And Peter Pan is virtually the message that the future-self of Exo mail to the electrical current Exo-L.. I read the lyrics together with it sounds actually sad.. And First Snow has a actually expert lyrics..ㅠㅠ

9. [+51][-6] BTOB released a vocal titled It's Okay when I was virtually to retake my SAT. At first, I only listened to it out of boredom together with mayhap because I was having a difficult fourth dimension dorsum then, it brought tears to my eyes.. That's the vocal that introduced me to BTOB together with I've been a fan since then, this vocal is the source of my energy..

10. [+44][-9] BTS' Whalien52, Tomorrow, together with Two! Three! (Hoping For More Good Days)

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