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Rio 2016 Olympics: Hot Judo Athletes

Pann: Wow, judo athletes...

1. [+80, -4] I give-up the ghost a oculus assail everytime there's a judo athlete... Current national athletes of judo are a bloom garden.

2. [+75, -2] I don't desire a aureate medal for the sake of contest only I wishing judo would win a aureate medal. I experience regretful for all judo athletes, I wishing their live of iv years would pay off.

3. [+65, -8] My ideal type of late changed to a judo guy ㅠㅠ So sexy

4. [+37, -1] An Chang Rim is then cute ㅠㅠ I can't believe I'm falling for a judo athlete...

5. [+24, -0] Hah, the judo athletes are no joke this time. I'm watching fencing correct straightaway together with Gu Bon Gil athlete is wow...

6. [+21, -0] I'm falling inwards dearest alongside a unlike soul everyday

7. [+21, -0] Why are they all man together with handsome ㅠㅠ Hah, the judo athletes are amazing this time.

8. [+17, -0] Does An Chang Rim convey a girlfriend...

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