[Scarlet Heart] Supporting Actress Kang Han Na Has Improve Visuals Than Iu?
Pann: Poor IU ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
1. [+344, -24] The sub woman soul Pb looks to a greater extent than similar an actress. I'm non proverb that IU is ugly only IU definitely doesn't accept actress looks. She has idol looks.
2. [+120, -216] We postulate to sentry the drama first. And it's non similar y'all human activity amongst your face.
3. [+105, -660] IU is prettier though
4. [+84, -4] Supporting role
5. [+70, -2] She's actually pretty
6. [+59, -6] The woman soul Pb inwards the Chinese version looks pretty in addition to classy
7. [+51, -13] I'm certain the actress has amend acting, too
8. [+48, -4] The supporting actress looks similar a doll
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