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Taehyun's Fansite Primary Attacks Taehyun Equally She Shuts Downwards Her Fansite

close. 13.10.17-16.08.28
I don't accept whatever affection left for Nam Taehyun anymore. I accept likewise many photos that I accept to edit, I can't produce it. I'll delete my concern human relationship at 2. You guys are stanning Nam Taehyun past times heavily-edited photos. That's non how Nam Taehyun truly looks like. Hope you lot wake upward soon.

Taehyun-ah, you lot require to wake upward likewise together with quit SNS earlier you lot lose to a greater extent than fans. Thanks to those who liked my photos. Goodbye.

- If you're gonna live on a fansite primary similar this, only halt stanning ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Aren't you lot gonna describe the same shit a few years later?
- Nope
- Oh yeah? Let's run into ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You tin only larn out the fandom quietly, produce you lot accept to live on similar this to other fans?

Her novel fansite for NCT Yuta


Pann: Winner Taehyun's fansite primary mess

1. [+283, -8] Copying Jinnabit must live on a trend

2. [+255, -10] She should larn out quietly, why is she shitting on Taehyun? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ There are many idol controversies these days, together with then a lot of fans are tweeting similar that together with are leaving their fandoms. I gauge she wanted to produce the same affair ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+245, -6] Speechless. Instead of talking virtually editing together with stuff, only run into him inward existent life together with unopen up.

4. [+235, -7] Thanks to that person, other fansite masters are posting unedited photos alongside the hashtag #UneditedTaehyunSoPretty

5. [+188, -1] Other fansite masters at the moment. The photos don't fifty-fifty accept a logo on them, they're completely unedited.

6. [+135, -0] Killing Me fansite master's wise words

"Talking virtually editing when your pictures were crappy ㅋㅋㅋㅋ You're the 1 who's out of their mind. Shutting downwards your fansite is a skilful act for Taehyun. Thank you lot ^^"

7. [+94, -0]

8. [+77, -1]

9. [+66, -1] I'm an NCT fan but I don't welcome a fan similar her

10. [+59, -1] Taehyun doesn't accept whatever disceptation though? Why is she telling him to quit SNS? Is she his woman raise or something?

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