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What's The Stupidest Imagination You've Always Had?

Pann: What's the stupidest imagination you've always had?

1. [+185, -1] Plugging all holes inward my home, running the water, as well as swimming

2. [+153, -1] I wonder what volition plow over off if all people inward the public yell at the same time

3. [+103, -11] How volition my classmates react when I all of a abrupt accept off my wearing clothing as well as trip the calorie-free fantastic toe inward class?

4. [+87, -6] Dating as well as marrying my bias...

5. [+85, -0] I starting fourth dimension singing "Simon Simon Dominic" on a bus. Other people larn upwards as well as sing along.

6. [+83, -2] Like Truman Show, the entire public is scripted as well as other people are observing me... When I imagine this, I popular off then self-conscious when no one's fifty-fifty merely about me ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+77, -1] There must last at to the lowest degree i someone inward the public who's drinking strawberry milk correct now. Ah I audio then stupid ㅠㅠ

8. [+66, -0] Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 state of war breaks out during shape time, then I popular off to dwelling as well as run away amongst my identify unit of measurement ㅋㅋㅋㅋ My dwelling is xl minutes away from schoolhouse ㅋㅋ "My dad should likewise hurry to dwelling from his workplace..." ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's a completely useless imagination but it kills fourth dimension a lot.

9. [+55, -0] If a robber breaks into my class, I'm determined to knock them downwards ㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+49, -2] How much H2O volition last used on the public if all Chinese people shower at once?

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