[Instiz] One Got Frustrated Looking At Commons Geunhye Again

Normal people

post response: +14
master copy post: here
1. Well she has such a precious torso anyways, similar a pupper ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
> Right if she got wet, she would offset rustingㅋㅋ
2. Hul I was as well as thence shocked from the final picture, I've ever idea it was edited
3. How tin move she hold out as well as thence bright, hopeless
4. She never had basic manners didactics anyways... It merely seems similar her mindset is stuck inward a newborn baby's one
5. She should acquire how to sympathise amongst other people. I've never sensed similar she had whatever principles anyways
6. She's as well as thence freaking self-centered, did she non grew upward since childhood?
7. Even immature kids would never produce something similar that
8. If she did that overseas, it's a national embarrassment
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