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[Teen Stories] The Argue Visuals Are Important...

I'm talking most commoners
If you're 4D in addition to you're ugly/common-looking you lot simply expect desperate
If you're 4D in addition to you're pretty, you're amount of potential in addition to your personalities are cute

If you're common/ugly in addition to you're sitting alone, you'll simply expect similar a reject
If you're pretty in addition to you're sitting alone, you'll expect mysterious in addition to accept a pretty aura

If you're common/ugly in addition to you're treating people well, it's a hassle
If you're pretty in addition to you're treating people well, your personalities are then kind...so awesome

If you're common/ugly in addition to you lot instruct practiced grades, good what's then surprising? All you lot do is studying anyways
If you're pretty in addition to you lot instruct practiced grades, you're then perfect

If you're common/ugly in addition to you lot accept a talent, wow you're a particular case
If you're pretty in addition to you lot accept a talent, you're perfect, you lot accept a pretty confront in addition to you're talented, you lot accept everything

If you're common/ugly in addition to you're an otaku/rarely instruct out, you're disgusting
If you're pretty in addition to you're an otaku/rarely instruct out, you're mysterious

in that place are then much to a greater extent than instances similar those, anyways that's the importance of looks, there's no endㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

post response:
master copy post: here

ㅇ |2016.11.21 00:18 신고하기
╋If you're ugly in addition to instruct bullied=you deserved it, if you're pretty in addition to instruct bullied=people were jealous of your looksㅋㅋㅋㅋ

ㅇㅇ |2016.11.20 20:49 신고하기
If a goddess is non wearing makeup=she's such a natural beauty, she's then innocent, if an ugly tike is non wearing makeup=she's non fifty-fifty taking attention of herself, she must live on a reject

ㅇㅇ |2016.11.21 00:13 신고하기
Agreed, no 1 tin sack disregard the privilege of having a pretty face

ㅇㅇ |2016.11.21 00:59 신고하기
The most shocking is that I did a practiced activity in addition to went on the TV tidings for an interview in addition to they praised my confront instead of my personalities. ㅋㅋㄱㄱㅋㄱㅋㅋ I'm simply a mutual guy leaving a comment here;

ㅇㅅㅇ |2016.11.21 01:14 신고하기
I've seen a lot of hot girls-common guys couples but I've never seen mutual girls-hot guys couples

ㅇㅇ |2016.11.20 20:20 신고하기
I agreeㅋㅋㅋIf a pretty tike stands alone, she has such a practiced aura, but if an ugly tike stands alone, you'd wonder if they got bullied

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