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[Comeback/Debut Roundup] Gfriend, Nu'est W

Original Source (Sports Chosun via Naver): GFriend, Title rail is 'Love Whisper'…"Refreshing" prediction

1. [+387, -47] I convey a feeling that GFriend's novel vocal 'Love Whisper' is going to move good, actually looking forwards to it

2. [+283, -41] 'Falling Asleep Again' (track 7) is the novel fan song!!! Let's striking daebak amongst this comeback!!

3. [+275, -41] Looking forwards to this comeback, let's striking daebak!!

4. [+222, -28] Already looking forwards to it! Godfriend fighting!!!

5. [+251, -41] YoJjin (t/n: nickname for GFriend, cute agency of maxim it lol) I wuv you lot Strong feeling this album is going to move daebak

Original Source (HeraldPOP via Naver): NU'EST W, revealing novel unmarried 'If You' on the 25th

1. [+1284, -5] 25th, 6pm, I'll move waiting for 'If You' ❤️
2. [+1197, -4] NU'EST due west 'If You' fighting! Let's striking daebak!

3. [+1170, -4] Looking forwards to NU'EST W, doki doki (t/n: heartbeat sounds lol) haha

4. [+1073, -5] Looking forwards to it ㅎㅎ 

5. [+1052, -3] Waiting for it

6. [+369, -1] NU'EST due west e'er supporting you ♡ Really hoping this unmarried does well ㅠㅠㅠㅠ♡♡♡♡♡

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