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[Photoshoot] Choi Yoo Jung Talks Near Weight Attain Acre Promoting Amongst I.O.I

1. [+2283, -220] I wishing she would halt using double eyelid tape, I similar her without them 

2. [+1369, -120] You await prettier without double eyelids

3. [+809, -88] Don't lose also much, debut healthily!!!!

4. [+1427, -350] Is this something worthy to write upwardly about? I gained 1.5 lbs afterward eating chicken final night

5. [+399, -76] Bang Bang is legendary

6. [+153, -15] It's alright if she gains a bit

1. [+393, -152] Ah I'm actually distressing but... her looks actually aren't daughter grouping worthy.....;;;
2. [+336, -71] The pictures are cringy

3. [+255, -55] I wishing she would halt using double eyelid tape, she looks improve without them........ 

4. [+39, -9] To survive honest, there's tons of girls who are prettier as well as to a greater extent than charming than Choi Yoo Jung.. Also Choi Yoo Jung's visuals are those of the side actors inward dramas who plays the principal actress's friends

5. [+33, -6] At first, I idea she was cute but as well as hence afterward watching her on TV, I realized that she's non actually that pretty 

6. [+33, -2] She totally got her eyes done.... Do yous intend she'll all the same pose double eyelid tapes on when her debut is hence close

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