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What Did The Previous Possessor Of My Shout Out Divulge Do?

Pann: What the fuck did the previous possessor of my telephone let out do

1. [+240, -1] I continue getting calls that enjoin me to larn checked because I'm a dependent area of a cancer inwards 2016.

2. [+240, -5] Everyday, a grandma calls me together with says, "unnie!"

3. [+223, -2] I mean value the previous possessor of my let out was a fellow member of all drugstore cosmetic brands. I larn texts everytime they're on sale ㅋㅋㅋㅋ It's annoying only likewise beneficial.

4. [+184, -1] On Kakaotalk, I larn politicians every bit recommended friends. I continue getting texts that enjoin me to attend the meetings. Mother, I'm most to pace inwards to politics.

5. [+142, -3] I got a Katalk that said, "What're yous doing?" I replied, "Who's this?" The mortal texted, "You don't fifty-fifty recognize your dad?" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ At to the lowest degree enjoin your identify unit of measurement that yous changed your telephone number ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+96, -0] Some crazy bitch must've gave out my let out on a random chat. In a dawn, someone called me. I answered together with the guy was moaning. I got goosebumps together with screamed hard. My dad ran to me together with shouted on the phone. He hung up. He together with then texted, "Why are yous pretending similar yous don't know me..." I replied that I'll study to the law together with he didn't text me back.

7. [+85, -4] The previous possessor of my let out must've ran a skates store. I larn texts bespeak me to post fresh skates instead of fermented skates together with pictures of skates amongst a thanking message. Sobs.

8. [+82, -1] Dear previous owner... Please pay off your debts...

9. [+80, -0] I larn calls telling me to attend the academy... Go to your academy, previous owner-nim.

10. [+75, -1] H5N1 random ajumma would telephone shout out upward me together with shout, "Dongjin-ssi, hurry upward together with pay the money!!!" I answer, "Ah... I'm a novel possessor of this number." She says, "Kim Dongjin this motherfucker" together with hangs up. Today, roughly other ajussi called together with threatened me to pay $20,000 yesteryear today. Sometimes, I fifty-fifty larn calls from loan sharks ㅋㅋㅋㅋ But this Kim Dongjin-ssi is withal using his credit carte du jour recklessly. I know this because I larn texts on his spending ㅋㅋㅋㅋ He spent hundreds recently. It's a niggling scary only I wonder how Kim Dongjin ajussi is living ㅋㅋ

11. [+70, -0] I changed my let out to tally my boyfriend's birthday. The previous possessor was a immature homo who passed away together with donated his organs to five people. He was on the news. When his friends immature adult woman him, they text together with Katalk me. At first, I didn't know most it together with it was annoying. But the guy's dongsaeng sent me articles most him together with told me most it. Instead of feeling weird to run a dead person's number, I'm proud that I'm using his let out together with I honour him.

12. [+64, -4] I lately got a call. He sounded drunkard together with was like, "Hyung... How are you...? I can't forget you, hyung..." together with he was violent up. I was hence flustered.

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