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Winner's Actually Truly Long Run

1. [+217, -6neol joahae (t/n: I similar you, p.s. gif non included inwards actual comment hehe simply wanted to demo off Jinwoo's beauty lol) 

2. [+206, -8] reaaaally reaaaally reaaaally reaaaally this utilization keeps repeating inwards my ears.....  

3. [+185, -6] You actually can't larn ill of the song, I intend it's capable of its long run throughout the summer 
4. [+183, -6] The fact that yous can't larn tired of the vocal is ane of its strengths 

5. [+161, -3] Really Really is seriously in addition to therefore practiced ㅜㅜ Can't larn tired of the song! Let's popular off along the long run going! 

6. [+73, -2] Good, good 

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